Oacwie second warning line
Smart eye, fire eye, Oacwie second warning line
Remote alarm, 180° full range of accurate smoke detection
A video tells you how the camera becomes a security guard in seconds!

Born from eco-smart innovation
Global teams deliver affordable security & green energy in style
Image with text
Use image with text to give your customers insight into your brand. Select imagery and text that relates to your style and story.
Born from eco-smart innovation
Our cross-continental team spanning China and North America redefines product accessibility through cutting-edge technology and aesthetic engineering. Aowei dedicated to empowering budget-conscious consumers with premium security solutions and sustainable energy storage systems, making green tech innovations accessible for enhanced safety and sustainable living.

Oacwie LAT
OACWIE invites Digital enthusiast around the world to innovate together in 'The
OACWIE Project', a private non-disclosure community.